Let us introduce you to a few of our many proud ABAP Diplomates...

Babatunde Adetunji, MD.
President And CEO: The
Executive Center For Psychological Medicine Voorhees, NJ
"If you are treating sizeable number of adolescents, ABAP certification not only prepares you for the relevant areas of the field, but also improves your skills and confidence in approaching their care. Parents also look for a competence measure in a physician before entrusting the care of their teen. That is why you need ABAP certification"

Jenys Allende, M.D.
Hainesport, New Jersey
"The need for adolescent psychiatrists is not nearly met in the traditional route of the 2-year child adolescent fellowship. This certification provides psychiatrists with the tools to meet the needs of their community"

Chrisantha Anandappa, M.D.
"Abap certification was very important in reflecting the additional training, clinical experience, research projects and personal study that I undertook to treat this challenging, yet very engaging, patient population."

Gregory P. Barclay, M.D., DLFAPA, FASAP
ABAP Board President
Past President & Current Acting Executive Director, American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry
"Board Certification in Adolescent and Young Adult Psychiatry was invaluable as a military psychiatrist, and later serving in adolescent inpatient and residential settings & in my clinical work with college and transitional age youth"

Jonathan Bauman, M.D., LFAPA
Member Of Our Board Of Directors
"Achieving certification in adolescent psychiatry
Provided my staff and me with a credential that gave us recognition of being experts in the field in which we practiced. For me, this was of continuing value through my career as a hospital administrator, outpatient provider, and, later, as cmo of a community outpatient clinic"

Daniel F. Becker, M.D.
ABAP Board of Directors
Professor of Clinical Psychiatry & Vice Chair, University of California, San Francisco
"As a general psychiatrist whose clinical practice has focused on teens and young adults, ABAP certification has been a nidus for my ongoing interests in this work. Since my initial certification 30 years ago, ABAP continuing certification has guided my professional development to keep pace with this challenging area of practice."

Hector Colon-Rivera, M.D., MRO
Medical Director, Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha, Inc, Philadelphia, PA
"Board Certification in Adolescent and
Young Adult Psychiatry served as a structured process to treat my adolescent patients with the highest standard of care. For me, mastering the developmental perspective was helpful with patients of all ages, and ABAP Certification gave me the knowledge, confidence, and skills
in working with adolescent and transitional age youth"

Michael Esang, M.D., M.P.H.
Midland, Michigan

Dana S. Hardin, M.D.
Columbus, Ohio
"I am a former Pediatric Endocrinologist and now a Psychiatrist. I have remained very interested in treating adolescents as they face many mental health challenges which impact their physical challenges. We have an opportunity to help them set a more positive life course by providing knowledgeable and compassionate care."

Mustafa Hussain, M.D.
Amarillo, Texas
"As Medical Director of an Adolescent Partial Hospitalization and Outpatient Program, ABAP Certification has enhanced my confidence and skills in working with this challenging population. Some of us regret not doing a child fellowship; this is best possible alternative route".

Agnes Kwon Simone, D.O.
Los Angeles, California
"Being Board Certified in Adolescent and Young Adult Psychiatry acknowledges my dedication and committment to working with this age group and maintaining the specialized educational requirements and skills."

David Nover, M.D., LFAPA, LFASAP
Current Board Director
"Board certification in Adolescent and Young Adult Psychiatry has helped me gain work in juvenile justice, school consultation, residential treatment, and in building a practice working with my favorite patient population."

Richard Ratner, M.D.
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, The George Washington University School of Medicine
"Board certification in adolescent and young adult psychiatry demonstrates expertise in this specialty and has allowed me more effectively to treat teens and young adults"

Shady Shebak, M.D.
Immediate Past President American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry
"My patients like to know that I am certified by the american board of adolescent psychiatry. The certification helps to raise their confidence in seeking my services."

Dana Siperstein, M.D.
Owner & Founder of Blossom Health
West Warwick, RI
"Having my ABAP Certification has allowed me to feel confident in calling
myself a young adult psychiatrist."

Joshua Sonkiss, M.D.
Past President, Alaska Psychiatric Association
Founding President, Alaska Society for Addiction Medicine
Member of ABAP Board of Directors
"Having Board Certification in Adolescent and Young Adult Psychiatry reminds me I've worked hard to develop knowledge and skills to work with this population"

Briana Tillman, D.O
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Adriana de Julio, M.D
Denver, Colorado